Archiv des Autors: Uwe Pfefferkorn

A Cry for Help!

An Ascension Healing with Tales Energy Journey into the 5th Dimension. Please listen to this Gift and support not only your Path of Awakening but also our beloved Mother Earth. You are important. Thank you!

tree-338211_640Hello and Welcome to Healing with Tales! My name is Martina Kreiner and I invite you to come and join me on a journey beyond your mind into the world of stories and tales. In today’s Healing Tale called ‘A CRY FOR HELP’ I will guide you on a Healing and Ascension Energy Journey into the 5th Dimension. The entire universe has come forth to support Mother Earth’s ‘Cry for help’ and hence with will also support your Path of Awakening.



 This is a Gift to you and a gentle, loving ‚Request‘ to join my quest  to bring more Love, Light and Information down to Mother Earth, in becoming a channel your Self. How? Listen to the Energy Journey, open up and receive.

There are very strong cosmic energies coming down to Earth right now to support Humankind’s and Mother Earth’s Evolution and Path of Awakening. Very intense energies have come through me in form of the Healing with Tales Ascension Energy Journey called ‚A Cry for Help‘. And I am asked to share it with you.

This Healing Tale will support:

  • your Path of Awakening
  • to raise your Vibration by letting go and creating space within you
  • your Ascension into the 5th Dimension
  • to speed up your intents, projects and goal
  • you to hold more light, love and information

And remember, the work you do for yourself and your desired life also influences your environment, the people around you and Mother Earth. You are important! THANK YOU!

Guidance Program to Balance and Harmony - Autumn KopieIf you have any more questions in regards to this GIFT, my WORK or you are ready to join me into the Autumn Guidance Program to Balance and Harmony, which starts at the 23 September 2015 – please contact me on
I am excited to hear from you!
With love and gratitude

personal healing tale Kopie

Martina Kreiner

PS…. Please share this email and Energy Journey with your friends and family. Thank you 🙂


Meditation…a word with many meanings!

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Meditation…. a word with many meanings. As we start our Inner Journey, we can be sure to stumble across this word several times. We sure will be asked to practice it our Selves. Now, when I started my Inner Journey I did not know how to meditate nor did I particular want to …. till I got within my heart-space ‚by accident‘ and boy did this experience open my eyes.

Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content,[1] or as an end in itself.[2]
synonyms: contemplation, thought , thinking, musing, pondering, consideration, reflection, prayer, deliberation, study, rumination, cogitation, brooding, mulling over, reverie, brown study, concentration, speculation;

cultivating the presence of God in meditation and prayer“ (

sport-846052_640I then tried to meditate by lying down, by sitting still, by lying down … It did not work for me. I persevered and found that my initial key was a physical activity I absolutely love: to RUN. I started to go running, without headphones, without any outside input, just my running-shoes and me. As I got into my rhythm, no-one else’s but mine, I connected to my heart-space/to Source/to God, and discovered the beautiful universe I carry within. This was the start of a wonderful inner expansion, inner experience and daily practice. As I got confident with connecting to my heart-space that way, I was able to go within however I wanted to- lying down, sitting, eyes open, eyes closed- I started to have fun with it, to explore it and listen to my own Inner Guidance to what works best for ME. The more I practiced, the more fun I had, the more my inner universe expanded and revealed to me.
My question to you now: WHAT IS YOUR KEY TO ACCESS YOUR HEART-SPACE/YOUR HIGHER SELF? Running, dancing, drawing, painting, hiking, working with your hands, swimming … all is possible.
Remember, we are all unique, we all have our individual energetic finger print. Hence our access point to our higher Self/Source/God… and our Path of Awakening is individual. It is important to act upon those pointers YOU resonate with.
To support you on your Path of Awakening I have gift for you to guide you into AUTUMN: SEPTEMBER’S MOON ENERGY JOURNEY! Allow Grandmother Moon to support your Inner Journey.  And please do share with your friends.
I always enjoy to hear from your experiences and feedback.

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS.  …..SEPTEMBER’S MOON ENERGY JOURNEY! Allow Grandmother Moon to support your Inner Journey.  And please do share with your friends.

LISTEN to your GIFT here!

A loving smile…

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Imagine this… receiving a genuine, loving smile from a person just because you took a moment of time to be with them with your full heart in support.

It is a hot morning, the day starts as per usual, the last few days of school and children don’t want to get out of bed. Finally we are ready to leave, our normal School- and Kindergarten run in the morning. On the way out I notice a lady huddled up in the bushes close to where we live, I am curious. We live in a medium sized village, countryside Austria. To my surprise she is still there when when I return. I almost cycled past here. However, something made me stop and turn around. I asked whether she was ok!

She was shaking slightly and said she missed her bus, and was very tired. It was a little challenge to understand her but my heart just knew she needed a little love, support and re-assurance. So I stayed at her side for a little while and tried to contact someone she knew. Not very successfully at first. She was on her way to her work place in a Special Needs facility, missed her bus and looked really lost.

After half hour, after lots and lots of cars driving by, people walking past, we found a solution and she was met by one of her colleagues. I was very relieved. She was relieved and smiled at me in gratitude.

I left with a smile in my heart and on my lips which reflected the power of the summer sun puttygen download , that is shining down on us. And I realized in the bottom of my heart and being of why I am here, of why we are all here: TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER ON OUR JOURNEY. It may be a smile, a light touch, a helping hand, a loving thought, a moment of time and so much more.

As I cycled away, a little shadow came over my heart, remembering all these people walking and driving past us without a thought and care. I feel so many of us are stuck in our little routines and daily busy-ness , that we forget to help one another whenever it arises. And yes, I have been all to often the one walking or driving past, not stopping because I was too busy with something else. Today I make a commitment, again, to fully and totally support and serve others on their journey, in the many ways that are possible to me.

I invite you to support and serve those around you on their journey, however small the support might be. Do it with love, and make our world a better place. Thank you.

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS. Grandmother Moon is coming forth every month to support our journey with her Energy. Take her hand and join our call on Thursday 16 July 2015 to be divinely supported and guided by her.

Message from the Universe

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Messages from the Universe come in all sorts of shapes, forms, symbols, people, magazines…. and it is totally up to YOU to be playful and venture on this divine treasure hunt to find breadcrumb after breadcrumb on your Path of Awakening.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOver the cause of this week I kept on looking for the bicycle helmet of my youngest son Jamie. On Wednesday I even made a late night trip to the car-park, where I thought it might have fallen out. Only to find it back home in garage hidden in the back of the car. I smiled and I thought to myself: ‘Guess I needed a ride in the cool night’s breeze enjoying the stars and moon and to quiet my mind’.

This morning the same, I could not find it, and we left without the helmet and without the scooter, as he is a bit of a wild rider. And physical protection is of importance when it comes to physical exercise, epically with my wild boys, Jamie and Gabriel.

On my way back home, it hit me and a big Ahaaaa moment came over me. Protection- Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual protection that is what we cast over ourselves, consciously or subconsciously. For the simple reason to not be hurt, to not feel pain, to be protected from whatever it is that is out there to get us. Funny hey! Maybe that resonates with you or maybe not, but I invite you to have an honest look within yourself and you will find how many layers of protection forming an invisible wall, you have cast around yourself.

Now, you might think: ‘At least I am safe, and I cannot be hurt’. But think again, we are all energy, we are part off all there is, right!?! So, if you are part of all there is you are actually protecting yourself against yourself, you are hiding your beautiful, powerful light behind this big wall of steel surrounding your heart. Again, I am not talking about physical protection. As this is of utmost importance, when it comes to our children, yourself and sportive activities. I am talking on an energy level.

There are so many different layers of energy available to us and around us. They are here to support us on our Path of Awakening, on our Personal and Spiritual Growth. The sun can support you with cleansing yourself, the Moon supports the entirety of your journey each moon cycle a little different, the Seasons have their unique energy to support your personal goals and intents throughout the year, just to mention a few….. All you have to do is open up and receive! But how to do that, good question right?

As the next Moon-cycle is about to start next week and we are heading straight for the Beginning of Summer, with its energies of Abundance and Growth, I invite you to join our

New Moon and Start of Summer Party
Tuesday 16 June 2015,

sign up

to allow you to open up and receive.

Of course, if you want to venture even further contact me on and I shall tell you more about what is on offer starting with the Beginning of Summer.

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS …. If you resonate with this, don’t hesitate, just try it out for your SELF.

Messages from the Universe


Messages from the Universe come in all sorts of shapes, forms, symbols, people, magazines…. and it is totally up to YOU to be playful and venture on this divine treasure hunt to find breadcrumb after breadcrumb on your Path of Awakening.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOver the cause of this week I kept on looking for the bicycle helmet of my youngest son Jamie. On Wednesday I even made a late night trip to the car-park, where I thought it might have fallen out. Only to find it back home in garage hidden in the back of the car. I smiled and I thought to myself: ‘Guess I needed a ride in the cool night’s breeze enjoying the stars and moon and to quiet my mind’.

This morning the same, I could not find it, and we left without the helmet and without the scooter, as he is a bit of a wild rider. And physical protection is of importance when it comes to physical exercise, epically with my wild boys, Jamie and Gabriel.

On my way back home, it hit me and a big Ahaaaa moment came over me. Protection- Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual protection that is what we cast over ourselves, consciously or subconsciously. For the simple reason to not be hurt, to not feel pain, to be protected from whatever it is that is out there to get us. Funny hey! Maybe that resonates with you or maybe not, but I invite you to have an honest look within yourself and you will find how many layers of protection forming an invisible wall, you have cast around yourself.

Now, you might think: ‘At least I am safe, and I cannot be hurt’. But think again, we are all energy, we are part off all there is, right!?! So, if you are part of all there is you are actually protecting yourself against yourself, you are hiding your beautiful, powerful light behind this big wall of steel surrounding your heart. Again, I am not talking about physical protection. As this is of utmost importance, when it comes to our children, yourself and sportive activities. I am talking on an energy level.

There are so many different layers of energy available to us and around us. They are here to support us on our Path of Awakening, on our Personal and Spiritual Growth. The sun can support you with cleansing yourself, the Moon supports the entirety of your journey each moon cycle a little different, the Seasons have their unique energy to support your personal goals and intents throughout the year, just to mention a few….. All you have to do is open up and receive! But how to do that, good question right?

As the next Moon-cycle is about to start next week and we are heading straight for the Beginning of Summer, with its energies of Abundance and Growth, I invite you to join our New Moon and Start of Summer Party , Tuesday 16 June 2015, to allow you to open up and receive.

Of course, if you want to venture even further contact me on and I shall tell you more about what is on offer starting with the Beginning of Summer.

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS …. If you resonate with this, don’t hesitate, just try it out for your SELF.

Are you a Luna-tic? :-)


The magical moon has fascinated man over centuries and centuries and centuries. And I am proud to say, I am part of the Luna-tics too! ( 🙂 )

I invite you to come on a journey with me, exploring the Moon and her energies a little closer and a little deeper.


Join us on the next Moon Healing Tale on Monday, 18 May 2015

… Be carried away,

… Receive Guidance and Support for your Goals and Intents

… Receive an mp3 that allows you to integrate the Moon Energy over the entire next Moon-cycle
supporting your Goals and Intents …. as this is what we in particular will be working on this New Moon.


I look forward to meet you on this sacred journey

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS …. If you resonate with this, don’t hesitate, just try it out for your SELF.

Would you love to meet the moon?


… and harness her powerful energies?  Wait, it is easy, the moon will come right to you and lovingly share with you- All she has to offer, and all you can receive.

Spring has started! Nature is awakening! Let’s celebrate the Beauty of what surrounds us and the Beauty we carry within with a powerful Moon Healing Tale on Friday, 17 April 2015.

I invite you to Awaken your Relationship to the Moon and the world that surrounds you! How? Just join us by clicking the link below.


I look forward to meet you on this sacred journey

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS …. If you resonate with this, don’t hesitate, just try it out for your SELF.

Spring Awakening …


Spring is just around the corner and we are celebrating with a powerful Moon Healing Tale this coming Friday, 20 March 2015.

I invite you to Awaken your Relationship to the Moon and the world that surrounds you! How? Just join us this Friday by clicking the link below.


I look forward to meet you on this sacred journey

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS …. If you resonate with this, don’t hesitate, just try it out for your SELF.

Step by Step fwd


… to peace, happiness, joy with the support of the powerful Moon Energy.

As we ventured into 2015 well prepared with our visions and goals, I saw so many of us charging straight ahead in an attempt to make all the goals work within the first month or two. And honestly I felt like joining in and start doing, doing, doing … whatever it is I am guided too, following my path. But I am guided to practice being, being, being and being …. getting comfortable to just BE and allow life’s situations to just flow in and out. Honestly, I felt  unable to move forward and DO, leaving me to practice to BE… a little challenging at times! Yes, winter time is the time to rest, to renew your Self, to go within and allow Guidance to come through fully. And to fully receive ideas and possible action steps forward. This Being-ness is definitely something to be practiced, embracing your logic mind along the way. In this time of Being, going within and looking at some of my mind-created ‘monsters’, the Moon Energy came through to me and guided me to share her Healing Tales with the world. And that I am.

soulI want to personally invite you to experience this powerful MOON ENERGY in all of your own Bodies and use it’s strength to re-connect  to your Self, the God within, Nature, Peace and Harmony. These Moon Energy Calls are held once a Month at New Moon to especially harness the Energy of a New Beginning the New Moon offers.

I look forward to meet you on this sacred journey

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

  PS …. If you resonate with this, don’t hesitate, just try it out for your SELF.

Trust your Self

newsletter-banner-rev1-webMy message today is short, simple but very powerful. I want to remind you that you are your greatest fan, your greatest believer, your greatest friend and partner, your greatest client. Believe in you, in what you do and how you do it!


Please make sure to listen to this week’s Healing Tale Reading, which will support you in letting go of unknown fears and increasing your level of TRUST in You. Listen now!

Wishing you a wonderful week.

With love and gratitude, ,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000;“>Martina Kreiner


PS… Free Healing Tale … increasing your level of TRUST IN YOU – enjoy!

You want to join the February MOON ENERGY CALLSIGN UP NOW