Messages from the Universe


Messages from the Universe come in all sorts of shapes, forms, symbols, people, magazines…. and it is totally up to YOU to be playful and venture on this divine treasure hunt to find breadcrumb after breadcrumb on your Path of Awakening.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOver the cause of this week I kept on looking for the bicycle helmet of my youngest son Jamie. On Wednesday I even made a late night trip to the car-park, where I thought it might have fallen out. Only to find it back home in garage hidden in the back of the car. I smiled and I thought to myself: ‘Guess I needed a ride in the cool night’s breeze enjoying the stars and moon and to quiet my mind’.

This morning the same, I could not find it, and we left without the helmet and without the scooter, as he is a bit of a wild rider. And physical protection is of importance when it comes to physical exercise, epically with my wild boys, Jamie and Gabriel.

On my way back home, it hit me and a big Ahaaaa moment came over me. Protection- Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual protection that is what we cast over ourselves, consciously or subconsciously. For the simple reason to not be hurt, to not feel pain, to be protected from whatever it is that is out there to get us. Funny hey! Maybe that resonates with you or maybe not, but I invite you to have an honest look within yourself and you will find how many layers of protection forming an invisible wall, you have cast around yourself.

Now, you might think: ‘At least I am safe, and I cannot be hurt’. But think again, we are all energy, we are part off all there is, right!?! So, if you are part of all there is you are actually protecting yourself against yourself, you are hiding your beautiful, powerful light behind this big wall of steel surrounding your heart. Again, I am not talking about physical protection. As this is of utmost importance, when it comes to our children, yourself and sportive activities. I am talking on an energy level.

There are so many different layers of energy available to us and around us. They are here to support us on our Path of Awakening, on our Personal and Spiritual Growth. The sun can support you with cleansing yourself, the Moon supports the entirety of your journey each moon cycle a little different, the Seasons have their unique energy to support your personal goals and intents throughout the year, just to mention a few….. All you have to do is open up and receive! But how to do that, good question right?

As the next Moon-cycle is about to start next week and we are heading straight for the Beginning of Summer, with its energies of Abundance and Growth, I invite you to join our New Moon and Start of Summer Party , Tuesday 16 June 2015, to allow you to open up and receive.

Of course, if you want to venture even further contact me on and I shall tell you more about what is on offer starting with the Beginning of Summer.

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS …. If you resonate with this, don’t hesitate, just try it out for your SELF.

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