Archiv der Kategorie: Newsletter Daily Practice

What’s it gonna take?


So what’s it gonna take for you to slow down and get still? It is this time of the year again, some love, some hate it-  Christmas season. Well, for a lot of us this is a time of preparation, parties, food, drink and celebrations…. To the point where it just gets to much, overwhelm! We feel there is no escaping this ‚madness‘, or is there?

This year I have consciously decided to take a step back, to celebrate within. To practice more stillness, to celebrate my Self, however much I can incorporate it in my day. A moment of stillness here, a moment  of stillness there … makes a feeling of stillness & reflection all around and throughout the whole day. Are you willing to join me celebrate the upcoming four weeks as YOUR time of reflection and stillness, even though your surrounding is going ‚ballistic‘ around you? Hahahaha, sounds like fun to me!

To support you along please do listen to this week’s free Healing Tale Reading. Listen now!

Are you ready to take it a step further, and allow even more balance and harmony in your life? Try the Personal Healing Tale. I promise this will indeed shift your world!


Wishing you a wonderful, empowered week

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS…… And remember the book ‚Buddy the Hero‘ is available on all Amazon stores! He can’t wait to meet you!

What are you thankful for?


Even though we do not celebrate Thanksgiving where I live, I want to honor the occasion within this week’s Newsletter. Gratitude is a key factor in my Daily practice-Daily Being and I practice it on a daily basis. Take a moment and think about what you are thankful for in your life: Your family, your children, your home, your job, your hobbies, your inner connection, your abundance … or is the the sun rising in the morning, the wind blowing through your hair, the rain drops falling on your head, the moon lighting your way home at night, your pet animal cuddling up to you… there is so much to be thankful about, if we stop for a moment and get still. Today I want to show you how grateful I am for you, and share my news and a very special Healing Process with you.

  1. A powerful Healing Tales process has come through this week and I want to gift to you. crow1Download here! 
  2. Start the Holiday season fully supported and balanced.
    I currently offer a special Christmas Discount on the Personal Healing Tale …. Don’t miss it!

  3. Free Healing Tale Reading! Start your week with a Healing Tale to bring Balance and Harmony in your Life.

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner




A Million things to be …

I suppose you can relate to a sleepless night, where your mind constantly bombards you with thoughts that more or less run in a circle, round and round we go. Its aim is to give you logic options to certain issues you might currently face in your life.  …. And all you want is for the mind to stop, to be quiet, and allow you to drift off to sleep.  Sounds familiar?

Here is the thing, the logic mind is here to help and it likes to stay within the known comfort zone. Hence the solutions suggested are within that limited area. Sometimes though, it is necessary to break that viscous circle and venture without, or possibly deeper within to find a new solution and a new, different outcome. Remember, it is a step by step process to walk your inner journey, and become more and more aware of who you truly are.

A good friend sang a song last night, which reminded me of a time when I was in my teens. The energy of ‚a child’s innocent excitement and of course, with no doubt, everything is possible‘ arose. How wonderful. I invite you to listen to the song and allow your child’s mind to come forward and ease all doubts. Enjoy!

With love,

Martina Kreiner


PS……. Did you get your Personal Healing Tale?

Live in Joy

Playtime! Playtime! Playtime! This week I invite you to play and practice to open yourself up to receive. Be grateful for all you have in your life right in this moment! Remember, your are like a magnet, what you send out into the world comes back to you!

1. Think of at least 5 things you are doing well, things that work and you feel good about.

2. What good have you received from the Universe in the last week or month? Come up with at least 7

3. Think of at least 3 things you asked for in the past and received.

4. What would you like to receive from the Universe right now? Use your imagination and feeling and ask for all you can think of. Think of the essence of things rather than the specific, detailed item!

Have fun and a wonderful, empowered week

With love,

Martina Kreiner


PS……. Did you get your Personal Healing Tale?

Are you procrastinating?

Today I read an interesting article on PROCRASTINATION! Listen to this: ‘In today’s environment we are constantly bombarded with stimuli – Newspapers, radio, computer, tablet, smartphones, emails, social media ….’  just to mention a view.

We are constantly shifting our focus in an incredible pace from one topic to another in every moment. Next to that we are (or should be)  socially interacting with family, children, partners, friends, work colleagues, bosses….. jobs will like or dislike, people we like or dislike, paying bills, fulfilling the musts and trying to find time for the likes, loves and hobbies….

Pause for a moment, What do you feel when you hear these words? Where do you see yourself? I see a hamster running in his little wheel, not going anywhere, although he in his little world thinks he is. I see a dog chasing his tail, but never quite reaching it. I see a herd of lemmings running towards a cliff, as one jumps everybody else is.

STOP – Overload – Overwhelm! We are bombarded with thoughts, words and requests all over the place from within and without. Giving us a feeling of being pulled in every direction, not knowing what to focus on first.  In the midst of all that madness we forget a very crucial fact, and that is ourselves. Yes, you and you and you and you ….. everybody else is more important. This needs to change right now, don’t you think!

So many of us are trying to keep up with something or somebody else and allow to be validated and judged by an outside source. We can consciously decide right here and now what we want in our life, how we want it, and step by step walk towards creating it. Remember, you are the creator of your life!

Do You want to stay in this illusionary race, this modern world is presenting to us? or

Do You want to create your ideal world and see through this illusion?

Well I take it it is option 2 as you are reading this article and  are taking steps towards your personal growth and development.

I  believe the way out of this illusion is to STOP and simply look within. Again to stop and look within, stop and look within and concentrate on what is important and that is YOU, the Entirety of you ….your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual you! All layers and vibrations of your being to be in perfect alignment and harmony.

Well, this is what we are currently working on in the Inner Power Workshop. We are expanding our awareness and consciousness to the Entirety of us. It is never to late to join 😀

With love,

Martina Kreiner

PS….. Want to join us, sign up here:


Balance and Harmony througout

Total Balance and Harmony throughout your Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Body influencing your Physical Body. Listen to MD Lissa Rankin giving you the scientific proof that healing oneself is possible!

With passion I share Lissa’s Ted Talk. There are still so many people who need the scientific proof, the validation and approval of an outside source that healing oneself is possible. I am grateful that some have chosen to provide that source of knowledge and proof and hence enable even more people to start their inner journey and start trusting themselves and All there is. Please share With love Martina

I am right. Always :-)

Rputtygen ssh ,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;“>ight or wrong, or wrong or right…. very often the duality of these words form the base of intense discussions and conflicts throughout our lifes..Because I am right, aren’t I!?

What if, we pause for a moment and accept the fact that there is no right or wrong, there just IS. A mind boggle, what the heck does that mean?  

We were brought up with certain beliefs and attach to morphic fields to what, in that particular moment, we perceive is possible and what is not.  What we perceive is right and what is wrong. Our more or less (sub)consciously created world weaves itself around these sets of beliefs and triggers us to react or act in habitual manners. This is right or this is wrong. CANCEL– Lets cancel, clear these thoughts, beliefs and habitual behaviors.

All to often we spend too much time trying to convince another person of ones own belief-system. As this is right and this wrong. But there is no right or wrong…. there just IS. For a moment try and shift your perception to accept that you experience a certain situation individual and different to any other person, based on your beliefs. Everybody has an individual perception, reaction and/or action to any given situation.  Let’s take it a step further. If you allow yourself the freedom to let go of the DUALITY OF RIGHT AND WRONG, you are freeing yourself and your entire being of accepting any situation just as it is- without judgment.

Yes, you heard that right WITHOUT JUDGEMENT – NON-JUDGMENT. Ahhhhh, what a relieve! Situations, encounters, relations and any emotion arising from it can just flow through you, with full acceptance and non-judgment.

Well, I didn’t say I is always easy, especially at the beginning when you release your ‚old‘ belief-system and start to retrain your logic brain. It is all part of your Inner Journey, your inner work and activating the entirety of your Inner Power by Daily Practice. That is what I do!

In case you missed it!!! The Inner Power Workshop just started- it’s the perfect time to join us and grow your Inner Power with JOY! Can’t wait to work with you!

Inner Power Workshop

Have fun and a wonderful, empowered week

With love,

Martina Kreiner


PS: Register for this class and let’s do this! Make 2015 YOUR year!






With love,


Believe in you. Always

Believe in you. Always…. Very easily said, and often not so easily put into practice and actually felt as an inner truth. I believe, it requires a moment to moment dedication to oneself. What do I mean?

To fully love oneself includingiStock_believe in you every quirk, wrinkle and seemingly awkward habit. To look after all the various layers that comprises you – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. To be mindful of every thought and word that you create within you. To be grateful and humble what you currently have in your life, even if you don’t enjoy it. And to also courageously step forward into your truth and the life you want to be living.

Well, of course it is ever so easy to blame the world and everybody else for what is wrong in ones life, for being stuck, procrastinating, unhappy, frustrated….. I been there, done that…. Believe me, this is no solution, it keeps you running in a vicious circle.

I found a way for myself to break this circle, I started to look within. Finding and trusting the answers I found in there, YES IN ME! Moment to moment, step by step I developed new habits for myself, created different responses to any given situation and followed my intuition. Here I am today, very excitedly looking forward to the start of my first INNER POWER WORKSHOP. Believe me again, I am still facing resistance as I walk my Inner Journey, as I tap into my Inner Power. It is an ongoing learning curve.

Resistance usually shows up to keep us from moving forward. Preventing us from stepping out of our comfort zone…. It almost feels like a fear of the unknown. We consciously have to decide to break through it. We are here on Earth to have fun and experience all there is, aren’t we!?! Do I want to experience pain, hurt, sorrow …. No, done that! Do I want to experience Love, Joy and Happiness? YES I do.

Do you resonate with the joyful YES? Come, sign up to the INNER POWER WORKSHOP, we got but a view places left. If you still wavering about, read the comment below and please STOP PROCRASTINATING TAKE ACTION:

‘As a independent, optimist, sceptic, been around, walking some path but really living etc. etc. sort of person. There was one thing I needed to do – I needed to stop procrastinating in life. I couldn’t help myself – it became a way of life.

Knowing that the web is full of a million and more websites it’s hard to imagine where to begin when it comes to the search for self-improvement. But by coincidence a friend of mine gave me a few of sites to run through  – this being one of them. I narrowed them down to 5 – actually talked to 2  the rest were auto replies so I passed on them. With Martina I asked her story and understood that whilst she went through many more trials and tribulations than me – she was still highly determined, positively focused and quite happy at the same time. Intrigued I followed through. I won’t run through the details of the program – as mine was tailored for me.

But today I am a doer! I have greater sense of purpose and a higher sense of worth and contribution. Negatives are now quite distant – and I have a sustainable positive embrace.

I don’t do endorsements. But I can suggest you get in touch and see for yourself and perhaps you too can stop procrastinating or whatever it may be and get re-tuned in the purpose that suits you. ~ Ian London’

 I look forward to work with YOU!

With love,

Martina Kreiner

PS: Register for this class and let’s do this! Make 2015 YOUR year! Class starts October 11, 2014.



Life is full of surprises

puttygen download ,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;“>Surprises, magic, miracles– they do occur in every moment when we are open to receive and see them. Sometimes they are very subtle and seemingly small, yet ever so powerful.A smile from a stranger, a compliment from your partner, a $ 1 Note you found in the street, an unexpected apology, a wonderful meal, the wind stroking your hair, the sun warming your skin, the safety of your home …..

So many occurrences to be thankful about when you live in the moment. Open up your heart and see your very own miracles and surprises in every moment. The more you notice and express your gratitude for your miracles and surprises, the more the universe will send your way. It matches the vibration you send out! 🙂

I have been so blessed to have crossed the paths of Chief Robert and Terri Talltree, inspiring and loving Mentor’s and Beings. They have honored me and my work with this amazing heartfelt Endorsement, I am so excited to share with you today:

Just a quick reminder! The INNER POWER WORKSHOP starts on October 11, 2014. This workshop will support you in putting all your puzzle pieces together, creating your own miracles  and to live and empowered life.

... And yes, life is filled with surprises. My surprise for you – The EARLY BIRD discount is extended to October 3,2014.

With love,

Martina Kreiner
PS: Register for this class and let’s do this! Make 2015 YOUR year! Class starts October 11, 2014.



Doors to Inner Power are open …

puttygen ssh ,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;“>The doors for registration to this highly-sought after 5 week workshop are open NOW!

If you are SERIOUS about making a 5 week commitment to YOU and this course, I am ready to serve you and help you to not only step into your Inner Power, but to walk an empowered life on a daily basis.

PLEASE NOTE: I am going to do all I can to accommodate all of you. However.. 60 students is my absolute cap on this course. 

This is what you can expect from this workshop:

I AM pouring my HEART into this workshop for you!  If you are ready to do the same secure your seat NOW!

This will sell out fast and will be one of if not the most sought after class I have ever released in the marketplace!  I can’t wait to see ALL of your amazing faces and help you to fulfill your dreams!
With love,

Martina Kreiner

PS. Register Now