INNER POWER workshop

You are invited to join this a 5 week Teleseminar WORKSHOP on INNER POWER


This workshop leads you to your Inner Power and shows you simple steps in how to grow it with joy. Each Teleseminar class I will talk about topics I discovered and explored on my inner Journey. Thus allowing me to expand and powerfully rediscover my SELF. Believe me, when I started tapping into my inner Power, my entire world shifted. And a new inner and outer world presented itself me. What do I mean? My world changed as I changed my perception about it.









Laughing guy closeupStop wasting time, Martina!’ I shouted at myself angrily as fear and anger gripped my heart, tears running down my face.

Hopeless and desperate, that is how I felt in that particular moment.

‘How can I get myself out of this mess?’

Here is the thing, the solution and answer to any self-created issue, no matter how big it might seem, rest right within YOU!





1 5 Live Teleseminar classes covering 1 Inner Power Topic per week
  These calls are structured to have
* a teaching part on the subject
* a Healing Tale Energy Journey  
* a live Audience Q&A
* Live Readings and Channellings
Each call is recorded.
Each call comes with Healing Tale Energy Journey for you to download
Live Reading and Channellings on the calls, just raise your hand!
Ps: Interact live on the audios and shine your light of awareness to help awaken the planet
 2 Workshop Content
  Call 1:  What is Inner Power? Find, Use and Be your Inner Power.            Call  2: Healthy Body Balance 1: The Energy Body
Learn about maintaining a healthy Energy Body

Call 3: Healthy Body Balance 2: The Emotional Body
Learn about Emotion Release?

Call 4: Healthy Body Balance 3: The Mental Body
How to align Mind (Ego) and Heart (Soul)?

Call 5: Your Daily Practice
What is a Daily Practice? How do you create it?

3 Incredibly Supportive and Information-packed Facebook group.
4 Daily Energy Boosts
5 Live Personal Readings and Energy work on the calls
6 Bonus: Your Healing Tales Beauty Session Discount Voucher!


iStock_believe in youI am not enough! I am allowing others to validate me! I am struggling with my life! I am lacking confidence! I am a victim of circumstance! I am fearful of change and making wrong decisions! I am unhappy and stressed in my job! I am in a unloving relationship! I am always broke! I feel totally stuck! I feel Undeserving, Unworthy and powerless! I feel unhappy, unloved and depressed!

I don’t know where to start and what to do!! You have been lead to the right place at the right. This is no coincidence! I sooooo feel you! No matter where I am on my inner Journey, I face darkness and fear every now and again. Usually when it seemingly becomes very dark, I simply need to take another step forward and see my own light shining even brighter.  Step by step I walk my path, look within, reflect. I come to cross roads where I still find a puzzle piece is missing. I stop, I listen within, I ask guidance for help, and allow to receive.

Now, what TRANSFORMATION did I go through in my Martina Kreiner life? ‘As I walk my inner journey I started to learn whatever I was guided too, ranging from Emotion Release, Energy and  Meditations techniques to usage of flower essences, dowsing, channelling, soul and multidimensional travel. Learning about the Energy Body, Chakra and Meridian systems and more. Soon I realised that a finely tuned, flexible Daily Practice was the key to maintain my Inner Power and connection to Self.  Honestly, with working through my trapped emotions, balancing my Energy Body I started to connect better and stronger to other dimensions, I learned about my lifetimes, receiving  informational downloads from other dimensions, and I am able to hold more light and information. I discovered gifts I did not know I had….. Writing books, Retrieving Healing Tales Energy Journeys, supporting  people to lead a better, empowered and fulfilling life.  Being a conductor of Energy and Consciousness for everyone around me.  By being fully me I am a gift to this world. And so are you, yes YOU. You are a gift to this world, whether you believe it or not.



1 Payment $ 127.00  $ 97.00 
(by Paypal)

The CLASS started- SIGN UP NOW and join this powerful Journey!

Any more questions please contact me on

Martina’s 100% Personal Guarantee!

 This comes, as always, with my no-risk, unconditional money back guarantee. I am so convinced that you will not only just work on your Self, but also you will start to action and start the process of changing your life for real AND have fun doing it, I’m willing to take the risk of letting you attend the entire class and then decide if it was for you. There is NOTHING to lose!

  Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.


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