What’s it gonna take?


So what’s it gonna take for you to slow down and get still? It is this time of the year again, some love, some hate it-  Christmas season. Well, for a lot of us this is a time of preparation, parties, food, drink and celebrations…. To the point where it just gets to much, overwhelm! We feel there is no escaping this ‚madness‘, or is there?

This year I have consciously decided to take a step back, to celebrate within. To practice more stillness, to celebrate my Self, however much I can incorporate it in my day. A moment of stillness here, a moment  of stillness there … makes a feeling of stillness & reflection all around and throughout the whole day. Are you willing to join me celebrate the upcoming four weeks as YOUR time of reflection and stillness, even though your surrounding is going ‚ballistic‘ around you? Hahahaha, sounds like fun to me!

To support you along please do listen to this week’s free Healing Tale Reading. Listen now!

Are you ready to take it a step further, and allow even more balance and harmony in your life? Try the Personal Healing Tale. I promise this will indeed shift your world!


Wishing you a wonderful, empowered week

With love and gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

PS…… And remember the book ‚Buddy the Hero‘ is available on all Amazon stores! He can’t wait to meet you!



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