Life is full of surprises

puttygen download ,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;“>Surprises, magic, miracles– they do occur in every moment when we are open to receive and see them. Sometimes they are very subtle and seemingly small, yet ever so powerful.A smile from a stranger, a compliment from your partner, a $ 1 Note you found in the street, an unexpected apology, a wonderful meal, the wind stroking your hair, the sun warming your skin, the safety of your home …..

So many occurrences to be thankful about when you live in the moment. Open up your heart and see your very own miracles and surprises in every moment. The more you notice and express your gratitude for your miracles and surprises, the more the universe will send your way. It matches the vibration you send out! 🙂

I have been so blessed to have crossed the paths of Chief Robert and Terri Talltree, inspiring and loving Mentor’s and Beings. They have honored me and my work with this amazing heartfelt Endorsement, I am so excited to share with you today:

Just a quick reminder! The INNER POWER WORKSHOP starts on October 11, 2014. This workshop will support you in putting all your puzzle pieces together, creating your own miracles  and to live and empowered life.

... And yes, life is filled with surprises. My surprise for you – The EARLY BIRD discount is extended to October 3,2014.

With love,

Martina Kreiner
PS: Register for this class and let’s do this! Make 2015 YOUR year! Class starts October 11, 2014.



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