Funtime, Playtime, Storytime …

Today I want to share a different type of story. A topic that is very dear to my heart. That of raising children with the full acceptance and knowing that they are complete, perfect souls from start. I guess being a mum of 2 young children is teaching me a lot in that regard. Honestly, they are teaching me!!!!

We are finally heading into the School Holiday’s. A time of slowing down, being present 120 % for Playtime, Storytime and Adventure. We can choose whether this is a time of Expansion and Fun, or as so often dreaded by parents, a nerve wracking, never ending  time. Well, I choose the former, and I choose to have fun and still have time for myself and my work I am so passionate about. It is all a mindset, isn’t it!

I also want to take this opportunity, this special day of change, to introduce you to a Story I have written for my boys in an endeavor to show them my gratitude. I am so honored to be a mum, and have the privilege to raise two young souls, and grow with them. And yes, it is sometimes pretty darn challenging and pushes me to my limit. Deep breath and into the next round Laughing

As a thank you to my children, and ALL, I have written a number of Children’s books. What is the reason? I want my children, and for the matter of fact all children, to know that it is great to have special powers, be a hero, to have invisible friends, to see or hear the unseen…. I want them to keep their heart open, stay connected to Self, and always know they are the Creators of their Life. They carry the power within!!!! With that knowledge they are able to go through life in a very empowered way, and it becomes ’normality‘ for them.  Did you ever wonder how different your life could have been, should have been, would have been, had you known all you know now? Ah well, it is all a learning curve, but I do the best I can to support our young ones on their journey to Empowerment from early on.

I invite you to listen to little Sam and his take on Life. Also please do share with your children! (Just click play on the video above & enjoy Sam’s wisdom)

With love,

Martina Kreiner

PS: You might wonder why I mention Children’s Book. Besides it being a topic of passion for me, and surely there are lots of parents reading this. I want to show that everything is possible! Before I started to write: I did not know how to write, nor how to illustrate …. but I set my mind, heart and love to it and produced this book and others…Do you want to walk your journey to EMPOWERMENT? Check out the FREE online Class, it could be a life safer.

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