Finally BEING ME! Are you willing to find your true you?

personal healing tale KopieWell, ALL this….. by that I mean Healing Tales, the Children Tales (soon to be released), my urge to help, serve and guide everyone that resonates with my work, means so incredibly much to me! I want to take this moment of NOW to share my story with you. To show you per example what amazing shifts can happen when you are willing to open up to your darkest fears within yourself. When you give them a huuuuuuuuuge big loving hug and hence with release them and the emotion associated with it!

About five years ago life forced me to make a decision, as I was not prepared to act on my own accord! Option 1: I could stay where I was! That being stressed, a worried mother frantically battling with doctors and therapists, unhappy in my relationship, overwhelmed in my business venture, and in general with my life. Everybody seemed to be smarter, happier, have more success and look better than me! Judgement, after judgment after judgment! I really hit a dead end, and did not know which turn to take. Option 2: Instead of blaming the entire world around me, I could start looking within myself and see what I find there! But how do I do that? Where do I start? Big question mark?

Meditation, OMG, I do not want to do that, how boring…..or was I just afraid of what I might find inside! Daily Affirmations, I am soooooooo busy I have no time for that! Emotion Release! What is that? How do I do that? What is it anyhow? What!!  I can talk to the aching Body part, release the trapped emotion and the pain associated with it!!! This definitely blew my limiting beliefs and thought patterns! Just as well!!!

…. One excuse after another came up, and yet I was still on my very own never-ending, repeating Treadmill. Then in my desperation, crying my eyes out, I finally started to read a ‘so-called’ spiritual book that was given to me years prior. I am sure in this moment all the Angels and Light-beings rejoiced that I finally got the message, at least a glimpse of it!

Well from there it was a blast on a roller-coaster. Reading, Learning, Listening…. Reading, Experimenting, Releasing, Creating …..Meditating, Listening, Following Guidance, Releasing, Creating, Writing…Crying, Doubting …AHA Moments…Daily Practice, Dimensions, Channeling, Creating, Writing….. Healing Tales…. It is time to share it with the world! Wow, I feel so blessed to be able to help!

If you are still here reading this very personal blurb, thank you for taking the time and thank you for being YOU and caring for your SELF! Namaste

With infinite Gratitude and Love


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