HAPPY MONDAY! Live Healing Tale ‚Abandonment to Love‘

LOVE CIRCLE: This Healing Tale is dedicated to my father and it is his gift to the World through me! Please add your LOVE & LIGHT to this LOVE CIRCLE I have created for him, in support of regaining his health, in support of making his very own decisions and being able to let go! With the knowing we are the creators of our LIFE! Please share to enable more LOVE & LIGHT into this Circle! Thank you

This ad hoc, very authentic and true ME, live Healing Tale addresses the trapped emotions of Abandonment by the Universe and Self  and transforming them into Unconditional, Divine Love and the knowing we are our Universe‘.

We are all born into this world leaving our true HOME and often our connection and knowing behind, creating a sense and an energy of BEING LOST, FEELING ALONE AND ABANDONED BY THE UNIVERSE AND SELF. Often we are unaware of this underlying, hidden energy. Hence I am inviting you to listen to this special Healing Tale and LET GO of this very common trapped emotions right here and now! All it takes is 9 minutes of your time! 9 minutes to reboot yourself to YOU!

May this Healing Tale support not only my Father on this journey, but may it shine light on the path of everyone listening to this Healing Tale.
On this note, please share with your family and friends …. be the shining Light for them!!!!

With infinite Love and Gratitude


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