Life and Death

girl-354579_640putty download windows ,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000;“>Life and Death! Yesterday I learned about the well and healthy arriving of a long awaited baby, I feel the happiness reflecting in my heart. At the same time I learned about the death of a friend, a young woman after a short and dramatic illness. I feel the sadness reflecting in my heart. I stop to allow these messages and feelings to flow through me. And yes, the death of this friend really saddened me. I allow the sadness and as I allow it transforms into love I send out to her family, her young son and all those that grief for a lost friend, partner, family member. Most us know this feeling of grief.

Life and Death, they are are the same. We wouldn’t know one without the other. An experience we encounter over and over again as we decide to explore another Lifetime Experience on Earth. Mother Earth, with the season of Autumn which we currently experience in the Northern Hemisphere, shows us per example that we all live in a continuous circle of life.  Currently nature is letting go, leaves are falling off the trees, the last flowers are blooming, the harvest has been pulled in and stored for the winter, animals are filling up their food storage ….. ready for the icy and snowy days of winter. In winter Nature rests and so should we to be ready to continue our journey and be born again in Spring Time and joyfully experience a new Summer Time.

Life and Death in every moment of Now.  This Life and Death experience reminded me of my Father’s passing and a Healing I retrieved at the time, which I am sharing with you today. May it support you on your Path of Awakening to Love and Light.

With Love and Gratitude,

Martina Kreiner

 PS. My Invitation to your BIG shift this Oct and Nov. Join the D.I.V.E Social Summit and listen to 49+ soul inspired actions. Join us now




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