Back with Balance and …

Do you ever catch yourself breathless, chaotic, unbalanced and overflowing with thoughts and emotions. All in all not in Harmony with your Self? … Even though you are on your inner journey and deem yourself highly spiritual?

Well there are a couple of virtues that stick out here- ‘I am not good enough, I can’t do it and SELF-judgment. Let’s take a deep breath in all together and just let go, breath out ALLLLL the low vibrations and densities…. Ok, now I can start with my story.

I want to be honest with you. My inner journey for ME is a way of living, ever-expanding Consciousness, Acceptance and Awareness. That means to adjust flexibly to the fascinating, challenging and ever changing world, my world. I am diligently and with love following my Daily Practice that comprises of various and interchangeable factors to keep my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual Bodies aligned, in Balance and Harmony.

Over the cause of August, my children were off on school holidays, and I was on Mum duty 24/7, limiting the time for my Self considerably. And YES I love my children dearly and they teach me so incredibly much. In addition our little family also experienced big changes, very much needed changes. Yet again I realised that sometimes we create those changes more difficult on an emotional level than need be. I believe this is due to a variety of factors such as ‘Fear of the Unknown, Fear of Abandonment, Fear of FEAR of Fear….. you get my drift!

To my big surprise, I was thrown into chaos with an emotional overwhelm. Yes, big life changers are loaded with vibrations and energies of all sorts. It is up to us to mindfully channel those energies through and grow at the same time.  It is also up to us to stop judging ourselves when lower vibrations such as anger, fear, helplessness, insecurities etc come up. They actually come up to be dissolved – Hurray –fully feel them, accept them and all the other discomforts that might appear, non-judgmental, and thank them for showing up and giving you the choice to dissolve them, to grow and live a more empowered life. I DO! YES – I DO!

On that note, empowered living…. I am so excited to tell you I am currently preparing my next ‘INNER POWER WORKSHOP’ that is planned for the beginning of October. More info to come out shortly!

Have fun and a wonderful, empowered week

With love,

Martina Kreiner

PS. If you are walking through a live changer, keep on breathing! For additional Balance and Harmony support check out the HEALING WITH TALES BEAUTY SESSION! Wooohooooo

BEAUTY SESSION – Balance and Harmony

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