6 minutes to transform STRUGGLES to CREATIVITY with a Healing Tale. Ready?

The Energy I tapped into is ‚STRUGGLE, HARDSHIP AND THE DEEP BELIEF LIFE IS A STRUGGLE, EARNING MONEY HAS TO BE HARD, AND THAT’S JUST HOW IT IS‘ Does this resonate with you? If the answer is Yes, Please join and listen to this short Healing Tale taking this trapped emotions and transform them into CREATIVE THOUGHTS AND IDEAS!
PS. This Healing Tale is recorded as it came through! Have fun transforming!

What are Healing Tales?
I create Personal and Universal Healing Tales to release trapped emotions and energies through my unique approach known as intuitive storytelling. I have been given a unique gift that allows me to retrieve and receive tales from people’s past lifetimes, revealing trapped emotions and energies affecting their current lives. These Healing Tales help people discover the challenges that were experienced in a different time, age, and personality, and I use my gifts to help people overcome and release those challenges.

I invite you to use the Power of Healing Tales to transcend issues that hold you back from achieving your true potential. Through my tales, you will experience positive energy which is not only heard but felt by both the logical mind and the heart. To open you to a deeper and fuller understanding of who you truly are and what you are able to achieve. See for yourself and create a more enjoyable and satisfying experience in your life. https://healingwithtales.com/shop/

Read what others say:
„I found out about Martina through Bob Doyle and I was intrigued.  I listened to the free healing tale and felt it was really magical.  I later contacted Martina for a personal healing tale and my experience has been an amazing journey.  After receiving my tale I listened to it and my body gave me a healing response.  I felt slight discomfort in my upper back for a couple of days, but then it vanished.  This means that old stagnant energy was leaving my body!  Also, the way I perceive myself and others has shifted to a higher level.  This work really works on many levels.  I feel that I am still on my healing journey, but I really felt some major shifts after working with Martina.  I am looking forward to continuing my healing journey with her.  From my personal view, Martina’s work is amazing!“  Thank you Martina!  For my birthday which is in March, I will start with the Universal Healing tales you have made.  Thank you for your work!  I really do believe you are making a difference in helping people on their paths to healing physically and emotionally. Love and blessings, Angela Anasara

Martina’s calming voice allowed me to easily access a healing meditation. I felt safe and supported throughout the entire process. I could feel the energy flowing through me, the release taking place and being left with a very strong happy feeling! A feeling of unconditional love. ~ Veera Ranki

With Love
Martina Kreiner
personal healing tale Kopie puttygen

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