The gift of healing within yourSelf

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As I went for a run this morning, finding my rhythm and breath. Listening to a few birds singing their song through the chilly morning. One step at the time, random thoughts pop in and out in and out of my beloved mind.

Then it struck me deep in my heart: ‘My gift of healing is the power of a story’. Now of course, those who know my work know I am all about storytelling. But what I mean is, by accepting my passion for stories, tales whichever way they come forth, in books or recorded Healing Tales, I heal myself on a very deep level. And as I share my passion with the world, those who resonate, receive the same healing and direct access to tap into their own Inner Power and to ‘The gift of healing within themselves’. What might that be for you? A good question to ask as we say goodbye to the old and welcome a New Year.

PLANT MY SEED WIDGET KopieThis time of year is magic! And I invite you to use a very ancient, simple and powerful technique to use the sacred energies of this time for your goals and intents. That is my ritual as the end of year approaches and this year I invite you to journey with me and support each other to create your Master Goal List 2016.
Be part of this amazing group! We start 20.12.2015


….so as I am running this lovely morning, a new character pops up in my heart and mind. A little panda bear called Siron and he lives in a fenceless zoo. All the animals could just step out of their cages, as there are no fences, but none of them do. Little Siron is a courageous Panda, and he takes the step out of his fenceless cage to explore the unknown…. Now how about that. I am sooo excited to start the New Year with a New Book Idea, and it is already there.

Wishing you a magical Christmas

With love,

Martina Kreiner
Martina Kreiner

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