Thank you for joining this Month’s MOON ENERGY INTEGRATION call


Hello and Welcome to the MOON ENERGY CALL!
Thank you for taking a step forward and joining your heart and mind with Healing Tales. Please make sure you read your further instructions below. Thank you!


Time: Sunday 13th  September 2015, 3.00 pm EST, 12.00 pm PDT, 8.00 pm GMT, 9.00 pm CET.


For those outside America, the call is set Eastern Timezone, please use the timezone converter tool to make sure you have the correct time.

Call in Details – Attend by Phone: (or skype)

Dial-in number: 01-857-232-0157
Conference code: 904846  


If you have a question during the call please press 5* to raise your hand.
There is no Web attendance available on this line. But I invite you to comment and ask questions using our private Facebook Group. INNER POWER CIRCLE. Please click here to join the Private Facebook Group. That is where we exchange in the loving environment of like-minded people.


There will be a Q & A session at the end so please do join us live, and bring your loving energy, questions and comments to the call. Thank you.


The call will be recorded and emailed to you!


I look forward to our journey.


With love and gratitude

personal healing tale Kopie

Martina Kreiner


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