Dear Sandi,
Ever since I have started my small Business Venture Healing with Tales you have truly been a gift, answering my Website and Social Media Questions as I walk this unknown path. Your posts and newsletters are a true inspiration. It is a challenging task to create your own business, but also fun following my passion and gifts.
I heard and read about your Health concerns and I would like to gift you with a Healing Tale. It is actually a Healing Tale using the Power of the 5 Elements to cleanse, balance and harmonize all your bodies. Please download the mp3, close your eyes, listen and allow to be carried away……
‚In this particular Healing with Tales Journey we work on clearing, balancing and harmonizing your energetic body. I believe it is important to maintain and look after your energetic body, as you maintain and look after your physical body. It should become as natural as brushing our teeth.
This track allows you to do just that. By listening to this recording you will be able to clear, balance and harmonise your entire bodies by using the power and wisdom of the 5 elements – water, air, fire, earth and ether.
But how exciting is that, this journey works both ways. As you balance yourself, you help Mother Earth to cleanse, balance and harmonize herself. This is very important in these times of transformation.‘
With love and gratitude,
Martina Kreiner
PS. Sending lots of Healing Energy to you and your Family. Thank you for you.