How to make a ‚Minus-Plus List‘?


This time of the year is the perfect time to reflect, and look back over the past 12 months and consciously let go what is no longer beneficial for you. I invite you to take a moment to write your  ‚Minus – Plus List‘ of the year 2014, and consciously decide what you want to carry over into the New Year, and what you happily and lovingly transform. How to make a minus-plus list?

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1. Take a piece of paper

2. Draw a line in the middle.

3. On the left side make a big Minus (-)

4. On the right side a big Plus (+)

5. Start with the Minus Side: Write down everything that was not ideal in 2014
(This should be easy,our mind is so well accustomed to focus on the negative. Let it flow and write!)

6. Then create for every negative (-) statement, a positive (+) statement

7. When you are done, cut the piece of paper in half and burn the Minus (-) side, that is the negative side. Transform it with the power of fire. And don’t forget to be thankful for its support.

8. Hurray, now you are left with Positive Statements and Intentions for you to carry into 2015.


opposites-489521_1280If you are happy to take it further, go deeper into each Statement and Intention. Write about it, talk about it, make a storyboard, visualize it. Consciously create your 2015. Remember you are the CREATOR of your LIFE.

I would believe, the 21st of December 2014 is an ideal day for a little ritual just for you ….. let your imagination flow.


Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful last week before Christmas

With love and gratitude

personal healing tale Kopie

Martina Kreiner


PS. … Did you catch Monday’s Healing Tale Reading? If not listen now:

Make sure you join us on 22 December for the next live Healing Tale Reading. Here are the Call-in Details.




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