Inner Power Survey

I am very close to finishing the long-awaited  INNER POWER Manual, teaching you simple and powerful techniques to Find, Use and Be the Power you carry within.

I have been working on this for more three years now, but finally going to wrap it up. It will be released early October this year.

This course will be entirely focused on ‘INNER POWER‘ and how you can activate and maintain it at all times. It will include printed manuals, up to ten+ audio MP3’s (including teachings and a variety of Healing Tales Energy Journeys) and 1 Video tutorial. It is going to be a complete brain dump of everything that I know about activation and maintenance of your ‘INNER POWER’.

I am going to cover all the ways that I use to activate, cleanse, balance and harmonize all of my Bodies, staying connected to Self (Source/Guidance/God/Energy) at all times. Living on purpose and creating my dream life. And of course it will come with lots of energy-rich Healing Tales Journeys, Activations, Clearings and Affirmations to expand your consciousness. Tools for you to add to your Inner Power toolbox and use as required. I am going to show you exactly how to do it.

HOWEVER, I need your help. Before I finalize everything and send it off to the printer, I need to make sure I have covered everything.

That is where you come in. Please take a few minutes to answer this super-short survey – there is really only one thing I want to ask you …

What are your two top questions about ‘INNER POWER’ that I absolutely need to answer in my INNER POWER course?

I am ever so grateful for your time and support! This is a Life-Changer!

With love,

Martina Kreiner

PS. Please add your TOP 2 QUESTIONS below or email me on


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